Sunday, October 24, 2010

Somebody's watching me! Plein Aire Painting at the Tug Hill Paint Out

The Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust is an organization that helps protect over 5,000 acres here in upstate New York and among their fundraisers is the annual "Paint Out" in September. We set up our easels near the Salmon River Falls and spent a beautiful fall day painting and chatting with the hikers and one-another. At the end, the paintings were sold at auction with the proceeds going to help fund the organization.
There were a total of 16 professional Artists set up along the trail and at the fish hatchery that day. The quality and variety of the art was impressive. I had a wonderful time meeting these talented artists and "talking shop." Particularly fun was re-connecting with watercolor Artist Gail Marks. She and I went to art school together and even lived in the same dormitory suite. We had lost touch through the years and it was great to have the time to laugh about the old times and catch up on one another's lives. Gail took the above photo for me (I cropped it though, because after a full day in the woods, it was a really bad hair day!

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