As an artist, I have always had a rather simple plan. I went to College and studied art in an attempt to better my skills and learn from those who had come before. Since graduation, I've spent my time creating more artwork and then found ways to show it to as many people as possible in the hope that it will be enjoyed by at least some of those who see it. When it sells to someone who appreciates it, I have money (and space) for more artwork.
I never really thought at all about the provenance of the work, and certainly never mentioned the number of shows or the prestige of the places my work had been accepted to.
Then, the recession hit and sales became more hit and miss. To supplement my income I took a part time job with an Author and serious Art Collector. In the beginning, it was all about typing and secretarial work but lately the job's been a lot about his collection of art, and a real eye-opener to me about the "other side" of the art world. He is meticulous about the provenance of each of his works, keeping careful records and often lends to museums and galleries to increase their visibility.
I thought it rather odd and that no-one would care about where the art works had been, surely it's the quality of the image that matters...until he showed me the painting that he had acquired which had been shown at the New York Armory show. I must admit, I was seriously impressed and spent a lot more time really looking at it than I might have otherwise.
So maybe it's not so odd but serves the purpose of getting people to really look at the image rather than just allowing a cursory glance.
To that end, I'm now going back to some of my old posts and adding information about what has been seen and where.
For those who don't want to read them all, a synopsis:
The abstracts have the highest number of shows. All were in the two person shows at Oswego and at the CNYCAC gallery, I submitted one abstract to the Batavia International Exhibit where it was accepted and shown, one to the Everson Museum in Syracuse which was also accepted and shown. Knowing what I know now, I wish I'd sent more out, but there you go.
On line they can be seen at the Saatchi Gallery (London), Fine Art America and Absolute Arts sites.
The semi-abstracts have been shown at the RACC galleries and a few regional shows. The realistic work was all done either as a student or on commission.
Photography and pottery are just for fun!
Not sure if there's anything else I should add, any suggestions?